Monday, September 21, 2009

A glimpse into Winn blogs.....

Winn Hall, second floor, is the best hall ever! This is probably the most unambiguous method of describing my home. I call Winn hall my home because that is exactly what it is. A safe environment in which sincere feelings of satisfaction and indelible attachment are evoked every time I ponder my first month in Trinity University and in this blog I will strive to explore the priceless aspects of my life in Winn. Although my introductory statement is explicit, this is a liberal arts college- an institution based on presenting claims that must be backed up with adequate reasoning. Therefore I am more than inclined to state and elaborate on my reasoning for this assertion.

Perhaps the most important basis for this claim is my beloved hall mates. No, not hall mates, but rather brothers and sisters. Like any real home there is a family living in it and that is exactly what we are. I guess it was the luck of the draw, but we just seem to have an unbelievably engaging vibe between us. This is quite rare between such a large group of individuals from diverse backgrounds. We have individuals from all corners of the US as well as the whole world for that matter, yet we have an undeniable connection that does more than just cause the polite “hello” in the morning. It is much more than that. It’s that natural attraction that causes all of us to all go to dinner together, to play “hacky sacky” at 3 am in the morning; to go to and leave parties together, to playfully tease each other to no end, and the list goes on.

That is why I say Winn hall; second floor is the best hall ever. This is bound to be greeted by claims to the contrary by other TU students who think their hall mates are equally close, and that is the beauty of Trinity. Everywhere you look there are microcosms of and a vibrant and social United Nations. This is a phenomenon that is truly rare in today’s world, which is lacking in love and mutual respect. Consequentially, this void has been filled with misunderstanding and animosity between peoples around the world. That is why I have chosen to and will continue to post blogs that will show that this dream world of understanding even though not without its problems can be achieved whilst not departing from the essence of the blog which is to assemble an entertaining and enlightening report of Life on Winn 2nd Floor .

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