Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Quest For Knowledge

I admit it. I am addicted. It’s not just me! Everyone on Winn is doing it…We are addicted to studying after midnight. It is the reality which we cannot escape from. Sometimes in this junky state (studying), I daydream that we are shadowy figures of the night …

We take the form of mysterious, faceless beings roaming the desert plains in a loosely fit single file. Some toil through the sand whilst others, as is characteristic of groups, walk commandingly across the sand dunes. Along the way we confront winds battering us with sheets of sand. Some fall, but they always get back up. Regardless of the challenge, we do not flinch. We just continue our trek in the cold and empty desert, for days on end without resting.

We cannot rest until we find the oasis. The reservoir of knowledge that completes our understanding of the subject each person is studying. No matter how long the work is or how difficult it is, we are the mysterious shadowy figures that always get back up, determined to reach that Zen of understanding in our courses. This is the reality that has infiltrated my subconscious, manifesting itself as us becoming a group of nomads seeking precious water, which is symbolic of our quest for knowledge.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Last weekend was my first Halloween. I admit it, I was a Halloween virgin. I did not know the mysteries of this celebration of ghouls and ghosts. Last week I bubbled with excitement at the prospect of gaining insight into this morbid festival, which had so transfixed my American peers with glee in anticipation. Don’t get me wrong, I had heard rumors about what happens during Halloween, the trick or treating’, the dressing up, the parties, but nothing could have prepared me for the Rocky Horror show. At the insistence of some peers I attended this Trinity event. Nothing could have prepared me for what I would see. My eyes lost their innocence in a show characterized by lingerie, drag queens and overt sexual innuendo which took audience participation to a new level.

If you were like me and had never seen a rocky horror show production, you were classified with a big red “V” on your forehead. This letter in lipstick helped the cast identify prime targets to initiate into this raunchy show that looked like something out of The Bacchae. Admittedly, I was perturbed by the prospect of plunging myself into this production that turned even the most masculine males into sexually suggestive cross dressers. So, I rubbed out “V” off my forehead and resumed my role purely as a spectator.

Even though, I was stunned by this production, I had more than a few giggles and frozen moments in utter awe. Yes, this show was definitely a transition for me, coming from a totally different culture, but I think it as a learning curb. A welcomed exposure to a different type of theatre which I have to admit was entertaining. That is, when once the shock had finally subsided.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A well exam are done, for a week at least and sadly so is the midterm break. It was a mini holiday which was just what many of us needed to recharge the proverbial batteries. A time to reflect on the first half of the fall semester and perhaps neglect your studies for a bit, knowing that the inevitable “all nighter ” you will have to pull on Sunday night seems further away then on regular weekends.
Surprisingly Winn hall was not as empty as I thought it would be. I had expected more students to take advantage of the weekend to visit their families and I was selfishly pleased that they did not go, because nothing beats their company. Company which made watching Trinity Women’s’ soccer on Saturday night a fantastic spectacle to be a part of.
The first moment we took our places in the soccer pitch stands was literally the last time we sat for more than ten seconds. The game was full of emotion because of the intensity in which Trinity and Centre’s soccer teams competed which was accentuated by the passion of the whole crowd, especially members of Winn hall. They never missed a beat in keeping with the pulse of the game. Their emotions shifted from real despair when Trinity conceded the first goal to a sense of revitalization when they equalized and eventually we erupted in elation when Trinity scored the winning goal with ten minutes left in the game.
Even though this is a brief summary of my first Trinity soccer game which neglects to mention the nitty gritty comments and exclamations strewn with witty vulgarity which provided endless comedic pleasure for not just me, but the whole crowd, I am confident that it gives you a glimpse into what Trinity soccer is all about- unity in enduring a rollercoaster ride of emotions which ironically parallels what we have experienced in the past couple of months and will undoubtedly do so over the next four years.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Rudder of Winn...

Previously, I briefly alluded to the fantastical nature of my hall mates, and now I think it is only fitting that I widen your view into the whimsical wonderful world of Winn’s second floor, if only by a degree. There are so many of us in this family that an innumerable amount of blog posts dedicated to each one will never do justice to who they are, and for that reason I will not attempt to callously summarize their characteristics in one blog. That would just soil just how much they mean to me. Rather I will reveal insights into them in the midst of each story revealed. However, I have to make an exception to perhaps the most important person in this hall, the glue that holds us together, our mom.

To Trinity she is a Room Mentor on Winn’s 2nd floor, but we affectionately refer to her as ‘Queen Mother.’ Her maternal links with us are strong and evident, whether it’s shown through her random enquires into our well being, advising us, or even the atmosphere of genuine compassion which permeates in the hall when she is there. This may seem nauseating to some readers but I think this genuine love factor has made life at Trinity that much pleasant. This is especially felt when she goes out of her way to make all ‘official’ meetings enjoyable, like the study workshop we had a couple nights ago. Even though our initial food order ‘disappeared’ under mysterious circumstances, as usual she adjusted and still managed to organize treats and group work, in the midst of lively banter.

However that is not to say that it is all fun and games with her. She is still a strict disciplinarian who does not demand, but instead commands our respect. She does not tolerate any indiscipline amongst her 19 adopted kids, and we dearly love her for that. This appreciation for discipline or what some may call, ‘being told what to do’ is something that is sometimes necessary to running a cohesive society or in this case the added lubricant for the Winn 2nd floor machine.

Whether it is her disciplinarian nature or her fun side, mom knows exactly what is required for any particular situation and this intuitive characteristic is the rudder of our ship, without which, we would undoubtedly be lost at sea. That is why this blog entry was so necessary, not to soil her role in Winn second floor by attempting to summarize her character, but rather to enlighten you, the reader to the force that guides our family.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A glimpse into Winn blogs.....

Winn Hall, second floor, is the best hall ever! This is probably the most unambiguous method of describing my home. I call Winn hall my home because that is exactly what it is. A safe environment in which sincere feelings of satisfaction and indelible attachment are evoked every time I ponder my first month in Trinity University and in this blog I will strive to explore the priceless aspects of my life in Winn. Although my introductory statement is explicit, this is a liberal arts college- an institution based on presenting claims that must be backed up with adequate reasoning. Therefore I am more than inclined to state and elaborate on my reasoning for this assertion.

Perhaps the most important basis for this claim is my beloved hall mates. No, not hall mates, but rather brothers and sisters. Like any real home there is a family living in it and that is exactly what we are. I guess it was the luck of the draw, but we just seem to have an unbelievably engaging vibe between us. This is quite rare between such a large group of individuals from diverse backgrounds. We have individuals from all corners of the US as well as the whole world for that matter, yet we have an undeniable connection that does more than just cause the polite “hello” in the morning. It is much more than that. It’s that natural attraction that causes all of us to all go to dinner together, to play “hacky sacky” at 3 am in the morning; to go to and leave parties together, to playfully tease each other to no end, and the list goes on.

That is why I say Winn hall; second floor is the best hall ever. This is bound to be greeted by claims to the contrary by other TU students who think their hall mates are equally close, and that is the beauty of Trinity. Everywhere you look there are microcosms of and a vibrant and social United Nations. This is a phenomenon that is truly rare in today’s world, which is lacking in love and mutual respect. Consequentially, this void has been filled with misunderstanding and animosity between peoples around the world. That is why I have chosen to and will continue to post blogs that will show that this dream world of understanding even though not without its problems can be achieved whilst not departing from the essence of the blog which is to assemble an entertaining and enlightening report of Life on Winn 2nd Floor .